Food Test

Food tests involve scientific analyses of foods to provide vital information about their characteristics and composition. They are used to assess the quality, safety and compliance to set criteria.

Benefits of Food Test :
  • Validation and verification of quality assurance and food safety systems
  • Confirm quality and safety of raw materials, ingredients and finished products
  • Provide objective analytical information on manufacturing and preparation processes
  • Supports compliance to national and international requirements and critical decision making
  • Helps in root cause analysis of non-conforming products and processes

Food Test services we offer

Microbiological tests are done to assess the presence and concentrations of microorganisms in food commodities (E.g. ingredients and finished products), food contact surfaces (E.g. conveyors and ingredient tanks) and food processing environments (e.g. air quality). The purpose of microbiological tests it to detect and restrict undesirable microorganisms in foods, food contact surfaces and food environments.

Our food Microbiology Lab has the competency and the capacity to support your quality assurance and food safety programs.

Nutritional tests are done to provide information on the nutritional composition of foods. This is important because consumers are more aware that ever before about the role that food plays in our health and wellbeing. Nutritional tests generate information that goes on the nutritional labels of foods; consumers use nutritional labels to make informed food purchase decisions. Regulatory agencies also verify that the foods contain components in the quantities listed on nutritional labels.

Physico-chemical tests are analytical tests that provide information about the physical and chemical properties of food. Physical testing like weight, volume, colour, texture, viscosity are important indicators of quality and consistency of raw materials and finished products. They are used to correlate product characteristics with consumer perception and provide information for food safety labels when finished products must undergo a cooking step. Chemical tests are used to identify presence and concentration of compounds that influence product composition, characteristics and product safety. Common chemical tests include assessment of concentrations of toxic compounds such as aflatoxins and heavy metals that are and indicators of safety. Other chemical test such as alcohol and acidity are indicators of food quality.

Microbiology Tests Physico-chemical Test Nutritional Tests
Salmonella Total solids Fat (Solid, liquid and dairy)
Listeria monocytogenes Free Fatty Acids Crude protein
Campylobacter Peroxide Value Carbohydrate and Energy
Clostridium perfringens Iodine Value Calcium
Bacillus cereus Saponification Value Iron
E. coli Unsaponifiable Matter Phosphorus
Staphylococcus aureus Impurities (in oil) Sucrose
Aerobic Plate Count Impurities (water insoluble) Sugars
Enterobacteriaceae Acidity Sodium Chloride
Total Coliforms Alkalinity of soluble ash Crude fibre
Fecal coliforms Fat acidity Vitamin A
Yeast and Molds Acid value of oil Vitamin C
Aerobic Spore Count Lead Cholesterol in oil
Anaerobic Spore Count Arsenic
Commercial sterility Starch
Water soluble ash
Acid insoluble ash